
stop drowning in one-to-one sessions! Let's launch that group program!

(even if you run labs, are a licensed health professional or are just getting started in your business)

TWCK 148 | Niching

A Cautionary Tale About Niching

COVID happened last 2020 and caused a massive push for people to go online. Going online with your business has become successful even without a niche, but what comes after? Kendra Perry shares a cautionary tale about niching. Why is

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TWCK 146 | Editorial Calendar

The Power Of An Editorial Calendar With Lacy Boggs

Copywriting is an excellent skill that we know a lot of people possess. But sometimes, even the best copywriters still experience the ever-catastrophic “writer’s block”- where the mind just can’t come up with creative written content, no matter the experience

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TWCK 131 | Social Media

I F*cking Hate Social Media

  Social media has been acclaimed as a revolutionary way to connect with people around the globe. But not everyone is a fan. As a business owner, you may wonder if it’s worth your time to be active on social

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TWCK 119 | Niche Statement

The Truth About Your Niche Statement

An entrepreneur needs to let potential customers know what’s so special about their business. For this, you need a good niche statement. The question is, what do you need to make your niche statement great? Kendra Perry dives into creating

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