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Don’t Launch an Online Course

Don't Launch an Online Course

WARNING – Don’t launch an online course. Yes, online courses are sexy and many people make a TON of money with them. But that doesn’t mean that launching an online course is the right choice for you, right now.

In this episode of the Wealthy Coach Podcast, I’m discussing:

  • The problem with online courses that FEW experts talk about
  • Why most online courses fail to get participants results
  • The secret sauce for a successful online course
  • The series of steps you can take to set yourself up for future online course success
  • How I can hold your hand through this entire process to have a wildly successful online course.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

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I know some won’t agree but I don’t believe an online course is where you should start as a new health coach. I’m not saying you should never launch an online course. I am saying that there is a sequence in which you should move through when it comes to your launching your offers. And this sequence will actually set you up for success (and help you avoid total online course launch meltdown).

Here’s the reality about online courses – they will ALWAYS be sold at a lower price point (at least until you establish yourself as the go-to expert in your industry). And, it takes just as much effort and time to sell something that costs $497 (a typical course price) versus $4,997.

If you are dreaming of launching an online course, here are the series of steps that you should take so that when it comes time to launch an online course – you’re ready and it works!

Start with one-on-one coaching

When you’re starting out your business, one-on-one coaching is going to be the fastest way for you to get experience working with clients and actually learn about the type of content that you will eventually want inside an online course.

Once you’ve have worked with at least 10 clients, you should continue to do one-on-one coaching to pay the bills and continue growing your confidence as a health coach. But now, you can start looking at creating a live group program and not a course (yet). Why? Because a live group program means you will get a ton of engagement, energy, and real-time progress. And doing it live means you’ll learn quickly what is working and not working for your clients.

With an online course, you’ve already gone in and prerecorded all your modules, so any feedback you get can’t be applied in that moment! That’s why you should be running the same LIVE program at least 3 times before you consider making it a pre-recorded course.

Your content has to be so dialed in before you launch an online course

With an online course, you have to be a 100% confident that you’re not giving them too much work, that you’re not overwhelming them, that you’re not underwhelming them, and that it’s going to get them the result. And you cannot know that if you just launch a DIY course to start.

Once you have proved your content through live offerings, this is when you can think of prerecording the trainings and bundling it into an online course. You could even do a hybrid course that includes pre-recorded sessions mixed with a live component like a Q&A. This is how I run my HTMA Expert course.

If you need more guidance on how to execute and launch a successful online course, check out my Profitable Groups Checklist for more step by step guidance.

- Kendra
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