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How to Launch Your Program in the Next 30-Days or Less



I love group programs so much! I’ve built the majority of my business on group program experiences. When I first launched my business, I was only doing one-on-one coaching, but as I got busier, I was getting more and more exhausted. I was taking on back to back appointments until 5:00 pm with no pee breaks, no poo breaks, and no lunch break.

What I quickly realized is that in order to fill my schedule where I could hit my income goals, there was no time left for content creation, marketing, or program creation. All the things that are really important in a business.

And then I discovered group programs, which freed up my schedule while still bring in the same amount (or more!) of income that I got from one on one coaching. But if you aren’t sure HOW to launch a group program, I am going to walk you through how you can launch a group program in the next 30-days.

If you’re thinking it’s going to take me so long or I’m going to have to create the content, and the structure! this mindset prevents you from taking action.

The big issue with spending months and months creating a group program and then launching it, is that it may not actually get the results or the sales that you think it will because you haven’t tested it with your audience.

This is what we call beta launching.

It’s kind of like the testing phase of program creation. And the cool thing about testing is you don’t need a very big audience to do this. All you need to do is launch with an outline of what you want the program to look like. And then you’re going to run the program as a live program teaching the content week by week and even creating the content week by week. This is how I ran my HTMLA Expert Course. To run a test program, you really only need like 5-10 people to run it.

Are you going to get rich over it? No, but that’s not the point. The point is to test it and to just get it out there and then see how you can improve it with time. And you want to be totally transparent by letting people know it is a beta course. And there are benefits to people joining a beta course!

First off they do pay a lower price point, but they also get to be part of a small group which means more interaction time and access to you, which future members may not get.

The beauty of beta programs is you don’t need to have anything in place and you don’t really need to spend much money! You don’t need a sales page, you don’t need fancy platforms, or a hosting platform. You’re literally just teaching this in a live format, which you could do over Zoom or in a private Facebook group.

Remember that online business is huge test and beta courses are a great test that tell you whether or not it connects with your audience. A lot of coaches unfortunately, are launching programs without even having a niche. And that’s the number one reason why it’s not selling.

So how you can launch a group program in 30-days? You can actually launch quickly in the testing phase and then based on the feedback, you can use the information from the testing phase to streamline the program so that you can relaunch at a higher price point to a larger audience. This is the whole process that I take you through in my Profitable Group Course, which is a 5-step system for creating, launching & monetizing a group coaching program.

Here’s a little secret access to what those 5 steps are:Research phase: what program will land with your audience? What program should you createPre-launch phase: this is about building an email list and creating excitement and buzz around your programTesting phase: this is the beta test where a few people test it to see what’s working, what doesn’t.Streamline phase: make the program better based on the beta experienceRelaunch phase: basically where you relaunch at that higher price point.

If you’re worried about launching a group program because of our current global situation, remember that a group program can give your clients the same results as your private clients, but at a more affordable price point. So this is a great way to continue to scale your income and help more people even at a time where people are spending less.

- Kendra
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