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Why You Haven’t Cleared 5K per Month Yet

Wellness Coach Business Help :: Why You Haven’t Cleared 5K per Month Yet!

Maybe you’ve been in business for a few months or so, but you just don’t feel like you’re getting any traction. You’re not making the 5k per month you had hoped. Frankly, you’re not making any money at all! And it’s all you can think about.

If you still haven’t cleared 5K a month in your business (or even 2K or 3K), that’s OK! You just need some guidance! I’m going to show you why you might not be clearing 5k a month consistently in your business, which in my opinion is really the first financial milestone that you should be going for as always.

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#1 Your messaging is off.

It’s not clear, it’s confusing, it’s scattered. And this is always where you need to start. Your messaging always starts with the niche statement. And when it comes down to niching, there are three components of a profitable niche.

  1. The person of whom you are helping and of whom you are speaking to, and of whom you are driving your message towards.
  2. The problem that you solve for them. 
  3. The outcome that you are going to help them achieve.

#2 Your online presence (aka social media) isn’t connecting with your audience

Your social media content has to connect with that message (in point #1). There needs to be a strong connection point with your message and anything and everything you’re putting out online that your potential client might see. 

Do an audit of all your platforms and ask yourself, “do I have a clear, concise niche statement? And does the content relate to my ideal client?”

#3 You aren’t leveraging social media trends

Social media is ever changing, so you really need to stay up to date with it if you ever want to bring in 5k a month. Even if you’re writing amazing captions, and posting amazing photos, if you aren’t keeping up with the trends then you will be left behind. Instagram Reels is a prime example of a trend that will help you get more exposure on that platform if you use it.  

#4 Your marketing efforts aren’t consistent

When you are new in your business and you are not making 5k a month consistently, you really should only be working on basically one of two things with the majority of your time: marketing, and sales. In order for your marketing to work, it needs to be incredibly consistent. Consistency is really important, but you will not get that external validation, at first. You will get it more with time with more consistent action, but it’s not going to happen initially. 

Trust is the number one factor in whether someone is going to choose to buy from you or not. And trust can only be built with consistency. 

#5 What you’re offering to your ideal client, isn’t desirable

I truly believe, the only way to really make money as an online coach is to develop a signature method. But if the name of the program doesn’t connect with your ideal client, and the solution you’re offering isn’t relevant, then they won’t buy from you. You need to offer them the solution that feels to them like it is exactly for them. You built it exactly for them. And because you’ve built the trust, they believe that your method is the solution they are looking for to help them reverse their issues. 

Put these 5 steps into action, and I know you can get to a place where you are bringing in 5k per month.

- Kendra
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