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Outsourcing Work In Your Health Business

Outsourcing Work in your health business

If you are desperately trying to wear ALL THE HATS in your business and you feel like you’re ready to explode, we need to talk about outsourcing work…like yesterday!

I have a very important question for you. Are you trying to do everything in your business? Do you feel like you can’t afford help or that you can only hire help once I’m profitable?

If you are desperately trying to wear ALL THE HATS in your business and you feel like you’re ready to explode, we need to talk about outsourcing. Like yesterday!

In today’s YouTube video, I’ll teach you:

  • The reason why outsourcing is important (even if you aren’t profitable)
  • How outsourcing can help you blow up your business
  • A simple exercise to determine what tasks should be outsourced
  • Where to find your first virtual assistant

Watch now

Outsourcing your work can feel a bit overwhelming at first, mainly because you’re worried about paying someone else to do the work that you’re already doing. A lot of my students are usually very resistant to outsourcing because they want to do everything themselves, or they think they need to do everything themselves. But once they outsource, they wish they had done it months earlier.

The truth is when you start an online business, you can start this online business for basically no money. Because we can start an online business for virtually no money, we think that we can run the business for virtually no money and do everything ourselves. But that is simply not the case.

When we spend our time on things that we are just not good at or things we hate, we end up spending 10 times the amount of time it would take someone else to actually do that task. Which can be sole sucking and draining.

In order to determine what work you can outsource, I have a super quick exercise you can try.

For me, answering emails is my sole sucking task. I am literally the worst at answering emails. I’ve outsourced the majority of my emails. And anytime someone does actually email me personally, I take weeks to get back to them because that’s how much I suck at answering emails.

Where to find people for outworking work

There’s two tools that I use all the time to find my contractors.


I hope this helped you determine what you should actually be working on and what you should be delegating to someone else who is a whole lot better at doing it for you.


- Kendra
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