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Copywriting 101 for Wellness Coaches with Natalie Gensits

Copywriting 101 with Natalie Gensits

How do you feel about copywriting – do you even know what it is?

Your copywriting needs to be compelling, interesting and persuasive, and if it’s not, you’re going to struggle with bringing new clients into your business. Yikes!

In today’s episode of the Wealthy Coach Podcast, I invited Natalie Gensits, wellness content writer & copywriting coach, to share how to create content to help you stand out and sign new clients sooner, all through the power of word.

We discuss:

  • the importance of niching to create compelling copy
  • secrets to writing effective copy
  • simple writing structure to help you write better
  • how to fix common copywriting mistakes

Listen to the episode

What is copywriting?

Copywriting is the crafting of words in a strategy manner to describe and share what you’re selling in a compelling way. And just like everything you do in your business, if you don’t niche down who you’re talking to, then your copywriting will be incredibly difficult to create. Once you know your ideal client’s needs, wants, and pain points, it will transform your copy and help you express the emotions they’re feeling, the struggles they’re going through and really connect on a deeper level.

Top 3 copywriting tips

1) Focus on ‘you’ not ‘I’ language

We have a tendency to talk about what we’re offering or how you can help the client – “I can help you sleep better at night”. But in order to connect with your audience, you need to focus on them. “You can get a better sleep and feel better about waking up on Monday morning..”. With more personable language, like using ‘you’, it Let’s the person know that you understand how they feel and what they’re going through and what they will get from working with you. 

2) Benefits over features

So when you’re talking about your signature program, you might share how it includes a weekly group call or one-on-one access, but that those are all features. Of course it’s important to include those items on your sales pages, but start with emphasizing the benefits that a potential client will get out of your program. More confidence, better sleep, fit into those jeans, etc. Whatever it is that your program achieves. 

3) Use fifth grade level language

No one reads something in full anymore, so the simpler the language, the better. Keep sentences short and words simple.

4) Using positive language

Instead of starting things off with ‘are you tired of, or are you sick of, or stop doing this’ you want to keep things positive to reflect the positive changes your potential client will achieve when they start working with you.

I hope you found those tips helpful! Wellness Content Writer and Copywriting Coach, Natalie Gensits, takes newer health coaches from striving to serving. She’ll guide you to share content that will help you stand out and sign new clients sooner, all through the power of words.

- Kendra
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