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SEO for Beginners – How to Rank on Google

You’ve probably heard of SEO by now. But what does it actually mean and it is something you can do yourself?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. This means by using specific words and phrases, you get ranked on the first place of search engines (like Google) for topics you want to get noticed for.  What isn’t necessarily talked about as much with SEO is also the importance of the overall experience of your website. This means how fast (or slow) your site is loading, how many pages are people clicking to, and backlinks. Backlinks are links on other pages that link to your site.

Does this sound absolutely terrifying and overwhelming? At first, it does to a lot of new entrepreneurs! Luckily, it really isn’t that scary when you sit down and do it. And today we have Cinthia to help with the process.

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Cinthia is owner and founder of Digital Bloom IQ and is passionate about helping Health and Wellness businesses heal more of the world through SEO (Search Engine Optimization). After four years of corporate experience working with companies like Avon, Sears, and Hyundai, she transitioned into the small business world, focusing on her SEO and Google Analytics services. She is on a mission to inspire Health and Wellness businesses to be more intentional about their SEO marketing and share more of the healing talents. When she’s not working, you can find her hanging out with her cats, dogs, & boyfriend outside or journaling on her couch.

SEO is like a garden

Like with many things in marketing and building a business, SEO takes time. To use Cinthia’s analogy, you don’t plant seeds in soil and expect a blooming garden the next day. The same goes for SEO. SEO is more of a long-term foundation to get traffic to your site.

The way Google ranks health information is different than any other industry

Well, no surprise there! We’ve seen over the last few years that Google has ranked certain health website with more authority than others, so getting on that first page has made it just a bit more challenging.

In order to show your authority, you have to make sure that it’s obvious on your website your credentials. And you need to make sure that you are listed on those official website directories that are linking back to your site. Backlinks to credible sites are gold because it shows search engines that you’re the real deal.

Another way to support this authority idea, is to team up with other professionals. Whether that’s they do a guest post on your website or you do one on theirs and link back to your site. This creates a level of trust not only with your prospective clients but with search engines as well.

Have a blogging routine you can get behind

When it comes to blogging, be honest with yourself: What can you consistently commit to in the next 90 days? Can you write and post one article a week? A month? Whatever you choose is the right amount as long as you can stick with it.

There’s a big difference between doing a SEO specific blog posts that focuses on targeting keywords, and doing a plain old, but still very important blog posts that you like just feel like writing about. You can also do both types of posts.

You don’t need to be super tech techie to find keywords

SEO specific blog posts and pages are ones that using very targeted words that your audience use to look things up. So think about what are people searching? Whatever you specialize in, find those keywords and topics.

Unsure how to find those words? Ask your clients. See what wording they use when they write emails to you or in Facebook groups. You can use extensions or SEO tools, but at the end of the day, you’re connecting with other humans.

Grab Cinthia’s Search Personas Worksheet:

Connect with Cinthia:

Facebook – Digital Bloom IQ
Instagram – @digitalbloomiq
Podcast – Digitially Overwhelmed

- Kendra
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