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HC Launch Insiders Secrets

HCA Launch Insider Secrets

I have been in business for over 7 years and have launched a lot of different group programs, courses and masterclasses and let me tell you, no matter how many times you do it – it’s always a little scary and something will always go wrong, no matter how much you plan.

Of course, the more you do it, the better and less scary it gets. So today, I’m sharing with you how my recent Health Coach Accelerator launch went.

My hope is that sharing these details will help you understand what launching is actually about so you can learn from it for your next launch (or your first one!)

In this episode I’m sharing:

  • why beta testing is so important
  • how I increased open & click rates on my sales emails
  • my top secret email strategy that works every time
  • how I got 500 people to signup for my webinar
  • at what point in the launch I received 80% of sales


Resources mentioned:


Listen to the episode:

This was a brand new program launch. I had originally launched Health Coach Accelerator as a live one-on-one program but I knew I wanted to transition it from one-on-one to an evergreen program that someone could go through at any point.

I actually ran HCA live four times as a beta test before finally launching it as this evergreen course. And with each launch, and each run of the program, I learned so much. I updated the curriculum, I added in more resources. I added in a module. I added in a better explanation. I updated the slides. And that was all based off of my students’ experience. 

A few things that did really well with the launch was hiring a copywriter to write all my sales emails, and doing some collaborations during the pre-launch. I was involved in two different summits around the time that I was launching and it was a great way to get a few additional people in the door. 

Of course, there were a few things that didn’t go as planned. I had over 500 people sign up for my webinar, which is more than double of what I usually get for signups. And it’s because of the Facebook ads I was running. So I was really pumped. But I basically didn’t connect the signups from the ad to the Zoom webinar and so none of those people got the reminders before the webinar! So that was disappointing but overall, I am happy with how the webinar went and how the launch went as well.

And if you’re interested in Health Coach Accelerator, it’s now an evergreen course that you can access anytime!

- Kendra
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