Today’s topic is not something most women talk about. It’s also not the most popular. If you are someone who’s struggled with infertility or finds pregnancy talk to be a sensitive topic, then this episode is not for you. In today’s Pregnancy Real Talk with Kendra Perry, she shares her pregnancy journey, including the mixed emotions she felt during some difficult moments. She also has news for you! So, tune in so you won’t miss what to look forward to with HCA.
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Pregnancy Real Talk (216)
Another episode where we are switching gears a little bit. If you tuned in to the last episode of The Wealthy Coach show, you will have learned that the reason why I decided to shut down my program Health Coach Accelerator was because I’m pregnant. You would’ve also learned about why I walked back that decision and why I realized it was the wrong decision and why I’ll be reopening HCA in a couple of weeks. Very excited for that.
Anyways, I told you in the last episode that I was going to do an episode about the journey of my pregnancy. I hate that. I hate when people are like, “The pregnancy journey, the fertility journey, my skin journey.” I can’t believe I just said that because I hate hearing that so much. Anyways, I told you I was going to give you the raw honest truth, not because I necessarily was excited to talk about it. I’m honestly not.
The reason I want to talk about this is because it’s something that I don’t hear many women talking about, and I think that’s a problem. What I went through and I’m still going through in my pregnancy, I think is all very normal. I just don’t think women often talk about it that much because it’s not maybe the most popular thing to talk about.
I want to give an audience discretion. This episode could be triggering to you if you are someone who’s struggled with infertility or anything like that. If you think that would make me upset you, if you’re sensitive to hearing about that sort of thing, then you may not want to tune in to this episode. I also want to say that I will only be accepting friendly, supportive, and positive feedback, which is generally what I get from my audience. There’s always a few haters out there. I don’t want your judgments. I don’t want your hate. I don’t want your negativity. Honestly, I don’t want your suggestions either. I don’t want your unsolicited advice. I’m going to throw that out there.
My community is generally awesome, but if you follow me on Instagram, you do see some of the hate that I get generally in regards to my fucks and my swears. This is a very sensitive topic. I’m going to be talking about pregnancy in a bit of a way that maybe is a lot less popular and maybe we’ll be offensive to some people and that’s okay. If you send me anything negative or unsolicited advice, I’m going to ignore you and I might even block you. Just throwing that out there.
Announcing My Pregnancy
Anyways, let’s be adults. I think a lot of people were a bit surprised when I announced my pregnancy because I think a lot of people maybe assumed that I wasn’t interested in having kids or because as some of you know, I’m not married. I’ve been with my partner for over eight years, but we are unmarried. We have no desire to get married. I am 39, I’m in my late 30s, I don’t have kids.
What I will tell you is while that might be not normal in some communities on the planet, where I live, in the town I live in, it’s normal. A lot of people have kids later here and it’s because we live in a very active adventure-oriented town, so it is something that people usually wait for. Also, a lot of my friends are in long-term relationships and aren’t married. Our five closest couple friends are all in decade-long relationships or more, and no one’s married, so it’s very normal here.
The decision to get pregnant was a decision that we made. It was planned, but it was a hesitant plan. I’ve never been someone who has given much thought to having kids. It never connected with me. It’s never something that I’ve wanted. I’ve never been that woman who’s been like, “I can’t wait to have a family that’s never been me.” I had one brief stint when I was 29 when I suddenly wanted to get pregnant. Thank God, I didn’t. I was with an ex-boyfriend who it wouldn’t have worked out with, but it only lasted a few months and then it never came back.
I never knew if I was going to have kids or not. Honestly, I couldn’t make a decision one way or another. I think what may have impacted the way I felt about having kids is the health struggle that I went through in my late 20s and early 30s. I’ve talked about that on the show. If you want to get all the dirty details about my struggle with my health, go back to the first episode. That’s where I talk all about it and I do various health updates on it.
For anyone who’s new, essentially when I was about, I believe 27 or 28, I basically stopped sleeping. It happened in 24 hours, I stopped sleeping and my health deteriorated quickly. I got chronic insomnia, which led to chronic fatigue, and it was super chronic, it was severe, it was every day, and it was hard for me to go for walks. That lasted for about six or seven years and it was really hard on me. I was so exhausted. I think that impacted how I felt about having kids because during that time I didn’t feel I was in the place to have kids. I felt weak. I was exhausted. I couldn’t imagine that I would even be able to.
When I finally started to feel better in 2019, I was like, “Maybe I get pregnant and I’ll fuck it up.” I didn’t want to go back to how I was before. I think getting pregnant honestly scared me. Now, I’ve been with Ryan since 2016 and he is someone who is made to be a father. When you meet him, you’re like, “This guy is made to be a dad.”
Earlier on in our relationship, he let it be known to me that he wanted to have a family and it was a deal breaker. I knew that and I was like, okay, that’s fine. He also told me like, “This is not something I want now. We have lots of time.” He did walk that back at one point, I think he got to the point where he knew that I was flip-flopping around on it. It was sort of like, “What am I going to do? Break up with this person who I’m in love with, who I want to spend a life with because of this one thing?” He walked it back. I think he still wanted to, but he took the pressure off me, which is nice.
For the past bunch of years, as I continually got older, as I started to become 36, and then 37, I was like, “I need to make a decision on this.” To be honest, I could not land on either side. That was frustrating. It was exhausting. I wish I could have made a decision, but I couldn’t. When I thought about not having kids, it made me sad. It made me think I was going to be missing out on one of life’s great joys, challenges, and journeys, but I felt I would regret not doing it. When I thought about doing it, I didn’t feel overly excited. I’m not someone who spends a lot of time with kids. I don’t naturally gravitate towards kids and babies. I’m generally annoyed by kids.
It was tricky to be so indecisive, especially being a decisive person. I’m incredibly decisive. I make decisions and I move forward. This was one that I could not land on a yes or no. As I got older and I was about 38, I started to feel like, maybe we should do this. It was interesting. I went on this bike trip with a bunch of girlfriends. Three of them had babies. They all had infants essentially. The trip was very much all baby talk. It was a lot of very graphic pregnancy, birth, and baby talk. I remember my friend Megan being like, “I’m sorry, this has been full-on. We’ve been talking about this way too much.”
I don’t exactly understand it, but for some reason, it was that real honest talk about it that made me feel ready, which is weird and I don’t quite understand it. What’s interesting is a good friend of mine who was also there, it also was what made her make the decision as well. She’s giving birth any day now. It’s cool that our kids will play together one day.
I remember coming back from that trip and I told Ryan, that I think I’m ready. We should give this a go. We started trying. A lot of my friends, I know this isn’t typical, but a lot of the people I know it was quite easy for them, but it wasn’t for us. It took us a little bit of time. It was frustrating because for me, once I make a decision and I put my mind on something, I’m all in. The fact that it wasn’t happening was upsetting me and it was hard.
What was interesting is once I did get pregnant, it took us about ten months of trying, which in the grand scheme of things is not that long. When a lot of the people around you get pregnant on their first or second try, you feel like, “Something’s wrong with me.” When it did finally happen, I thought that maybe it’s what I wanted all along and I was just scared. Once I got pregnant, I would be ecstatic about it. That’s not how I felt.
The first group of emotions I felt were grief and regret and I felt I had ruined my life because truthfully, I have a great life. I live a low-stress life. I don’t work that much. My business generates a lot of money. I find what I do very fulfilling. I have a supportive partner. We have no major issues in our relationship. We annoy each other sometimes, but that’s about it. We have a very stable and nondramatic relationship. Both have amazing families who get along. I have a great group of friends. I spend a lot of time outside in the mountains. I do what I love on a regular basis. My life is chill.
I think I didn’t realize how hard pregnancy can be. You obviously hear about the nausea, but I didn’t think much about the emotions. I didn’t know about the fatigue. I didn’t know about the food aversions. I felt pretty sick right off the bat. I think it was a harsh realization that my life will never be the same again. How I had envisioned pregnancy is like, “I’ll be pregnant. It’s nine months of living my normal life, and then it gives me almost a year.” I didn’t realize how sick pregnancy would make me and how not myself. All I can describe it as is I feel I’m an alien living in my own body. I don’t even know what this body is and who I am. It’s been interesting.
It was hard for me at the beginning because I felt like, “This was the wrong choice.” I know a lot of people are like, “The baby can feel that. You need to be positive.” I think we are always entitled to our emotions. We should not repress emotions. We should not push them down. I am completely free to feel exactly what I was feeling and that’s how I felt. I couldn’t help it. I’m lucky that I never vomited, I never threw up. My nausea was on the milder side, it was maybe mild to moderate. Occasionally I’d have a day where it was pretty bad, but it was always present. As long as I ate frequently enough, that would make it okay.

The problem was I had an aversion to basically every food. That was honestly the most difficult thing for me because I fucking love food. I’m a foodie. I love nourishing my body. I love cooking. I’ve realized through this experience that so much of my joy and happiness comes from eating good food and preparing food with my partner, but I couldn’t stand the smell of food and everything might as well have been rancid and decaying compost. Everything. No matter what it was, it was disgusting. That was difficult when you need to eat constantly to not be nauseous.
The relationship I had with food was so fucked up and I had no idea that that is what it would be like. I wish I had known. I would know I needed to eat this food in front of me and I would be crying because I didn’t want to eat it. I’d be gagging as I ate it, but I had to eat it because I would be nauseous. The only thing that made me not feel nauseous, but I hated it. That was hard and I was incredibly tired. I did a show episode, the title of the episode was, I Only Worked 10hrs/Week And This Is What Happened. The reason why I was only working ten hours a week is because that was all I could do. I was exhausted. I literally watched eight seasons of Southern Charm. I lied on the couch. Ryan’s like, “You didn’t smile for a month.” I had no personality. I was literally just a blob.
It was crazy. I have so much more empathy for women who are pregnant. To be honest, and I’ll admit it, I’ve been maybe a bit judgmental in the past towards women who are pregnant and not eating well. I can remember a friend of mine who was pregnant and had been a surprise. She was sitting there eating A&W miserable. I remember being like, “How could you eat that? That’s so bad for your baby.” So ignorant. Now I’m like, “I totally get it. Eat your A&W, girl” when I first got pregnant, because it took about a week or two for the bad side effects to kick in.
I bought this book called, Real Food for Pregnancy. I was reading this book and I was like, “I’m going to nourish myself.” My body was like, “Fuck you, Kendra. You are not going to eat well. You’re going to eat a 22-year-old teenage boy or college kid and you’re only going to eat 1,000 calories a day.” I struggled with that because all I wanted was to nourish my body because that’s what I do naturally and I couldn’t. I was eating pasta and bread and rice. Bland food, couldn’t eat meat, barely. I could get some in sometimes. Fat was hard to digest. It was horrible. I didn’t have any idea it would be like that.
I felt this sick and then I was still experiencing all these emotions of, “This was the wrong choice. I ruined my life. I made the wrong decision.” That was hard. It was very much honestly one of the darkest times in my life. It goes to show that you have no idea what’s going on in someone’s life who’s on the internet. We make all these assumptions about people who we follow online, but we have no fucking idea. I am well into my pregnancy now and you probably had no idea. I think that’s a good lesson for all of us that you never know what someone’s going through behind the scenes. I was able to record videos, show up for coaching calls, and keep this all under wraps.
It was difficult for me. Honestly, I’ll be honest about this, it still is difficult for me. I’ve luckily come out of that first trimester. I am in my second trimester. I’m not going to tell you where. I’m going to keep the due date and where I am in my pregnancy to myself. Please don’t ask me about that because I will not tell you. I’ve come out of that dark time. I am better with food now. Although, I feel like I have almost this weird emotional weirdness with food because for so long I was so disgusted by food .
Even now I’ll look at chicken and even though once I start eating it, it will taste good, it takes me time. I have to work through this relationship with chicken to start eating it. I can’t just sit down and eat chicken. I have to pump myself up and be like, “It’s okay, it’ll be good.” I eat it and I’m fine, but it’s weird that I still look at most foods and I’m like, “I don’t want it.” Still, I would prefer to eat nothing right now.
My energy is much better now. Although, for those of you who were following me on Instagram, you’ll know that when I got back from Mexico I got food poisoning or stomach flu or something like that. That threw me off for another week. I went through another week of nausea and feeling crap. My energy is much better now. The nausea’s gone. I don’t have the food aversions. I’m slowly getting my creative power back, although it’s not fully there yet. I still do lack motivation and I do still watch a lot of TV and lie on the couch and that’s fine.
Embracing The Journey
I’m struggling a lot with the excitement. I think I’m moving through a place of acceptance now and more embracing the journey and the challenge of it because I’m someone who loves personal development and bettering myself. I do believe that having a kid is the ultimate journey in personal development and bettering yourself. I’m very lucky to have a very supportive partner. Ryan is over the moon excited. He’s so stoked. He’s already buying books on dad lessons and things he can teach the kid and stuff that. Our families are very excited and we’re going to have so much support.

I am sure I will love this child more than anything. It may not happen right away and that’s okay. I know for some people it takes time and I’m aware of that. I am planning to go with the flow and be gentle on myself. What I will tell you is I do not feel very connected. I’m still slightly in denial. I don’t love pregnancy at all. I hate it, which honestly makes it a bit more appealing to have a kid because I’ve been looking at the comparison of Oura Ring stats.
There are a few women who I follow online who wear Oura Rings who recently had babies. They will sometimes show the comparison of their stats now with a newborn compared to when they were 5 or 6 months pregnant. Even with a newborn, their disrupted sleep and the challenges of that, their Oura Ring stats are ten times better postpartum than they were when they were pregnant. Pregnancy is hard on the body. It’s hard on the nervous system. My heart rate is always elevated. My Oura Ring is always like, “Did you eat a meal late at night? Did you exercise?” I beg Oura Ring to put a pregnancy setting in there, that would be great, and say, “You’re doing great.” My heart rate variability is way down.
I know that being able to have my body back after having a baby, even with a newborn, I’ll be able to handle it because I’ll have my body back and I’ll feel like myself again. I realize that postpartum is a journey in itself and that’s fine. Pregnancy is not something that I enjoy. Luckily, I feel better now, so I’m back to skiing and being active and all of that and that’s great.
It’s been a difficult journey is something I’ll say. The emotions of it are something that I didn’t anticipate and surprised me. I had to go down a lot of dark rabbit holes on the internet to find forums where women were talking about this. Once I found those forums, they were super helpful for me because there were literally hundreds, if not thousands of comments from women who were like, “I hated being pregnant. I felt disconnected. I didn’t connect with the baby until it was born. I didn’t connect with the baby until it was six months old. I was miserable. I was in denial about the pregnancy even while I was giving birth.” That was helpful for me to know because I did think there was something wrong with me.
Obviously, pregnancy is a blessing and there are a lot of people who struggle with fertility and for whatever reason can’t have kids. I think the popular thing to say is that we should be grateful. Yes, I’m grateful. That can be true and I fucking hate it and I don’t feel like myself and I don’t my pregnant body. This is hard. I think those two things can both simultaneously be true and we can hold space for both.

I think what’s difficult is when you are pregnant and social media quickly finds out you’re pregnant, Facebook, the algorithm, and you’re getting shown ads and all you’re shown are these images of these super skinny pregnant moms who are happy, joyful, radiant, and glowing. I fucking hate that because I’m sure it’s like that for some women. If it is like that for you or was like that for you, I’m happy for you, you’re lucky. It’s not like that for a lot of women. I think it can make a lot of women feel deficient and there’s something wrong with them.
Pregnancy is incredibly difficult. Ryan has been so great. He’s always, “Thank you for your sacrifice.” I don’t think I realize how much of a sacrifice it is. It’s so hard on your body, your emotions, your hormones. It’s time-consuming, which is something I didn’t realize either. All the appointments that you go to. You got to get your ultrasounds. I see my midwife. I’m working with a doula and then going to get this and that. Getting massage, getting acupuncture, trying to figure out what’s going to make me feel better, and then shopping because none of my clothes fit. What clothes can I wear? What do I want to wear? It’s time-consuming.
You’re In It Alone
When I got pregnant, you think you’re in it with your partner. Obviously, I have a great partner and he’s super supportive. I didn’t do a dish for the whole first trimester. I didn’t do dishes once. I literally ate food. I would cook and leave shit out and leave dirty dishes all over the house and he never said one thing to me. He picked it up and he did dishes every day and he cleaned up after me and he didn’t say fuck to me. That was great. I think what I realized when I got pregnant is you’re very much in it alone because you’re the one who has to make the appointments and show up and worry. Obviously, Ryan comes with me and all of that, but it’s different. You’re going through it alone in a lot of ways, even with a supportive partner. Things that I didn’t know.

What a lot of people have been asking me about is more details on my maternity leave and how I am working. I had an HCA student reach out to me not that long ago. She’s like, “I got pregnant. I’m super happy about it, but I’m worried about my business. Can my business still grow while I have this baby?” I had told her, “I’m going to be interviewing someone AKA me on the show, and we’re going to be talking a little bit about this. Obviously, it sounds like her situation is different than mine. I think my situation is different than a lot of people. I’m not the expert on this, but in terms of planning for having a baby, I think we have to be realistic with the amount of help we have.
What I will tell you is there is no online business owner woman who is solely looking after their baby and running a business. If it seems like they are, they aren’t, they have help. When you’re doing this alone, you’re not going to have time to run your business. If that is you, if you are going to be the woman who is at home on mat leave, where they’re husband or partner is a way at work and you don’t have family or maybe the financial means for support, you’re going to have to be realistic in that you’re probably not going to be in a growth phase in your business for some time until you can afford childcare. That’s okay. It doesn’t always need to be about growth.

Be Prepared
I think the best advice I can give anyone who’s in a similar situation is that it’s all about being prepared. My plan, and I talked about this a little bit on the last episode, but I want to be off for twelve weeks. Basically July, August, and September. When I say off, I want to be off about 90% because I’m not willing to give everything up because my big realization when I decided to shut down HC and then reopen it was I thought I needed to be 100% off. The reason why I thought I needed to be 100% off is that’s how I’ve witnessed it. All my friends are nurses, doctors, and engineers. They have jobs where they get a one-year maternity leave. If you’re not Canadian, in Canada, we get a one-year maternity leave. If you have a job, then you can get a one-year maternity leave and collect unemployment in Canada.
It’s different if you’re an entrepreneur. I don’t get access to that sort of thing. All my friends have jobs. I don’t have any friends who are entrepreneurs and that’s how they do the maternity leave. They’re off for a year, their partner goes to work, they’re at home alone, sole caregiver during the day for their kids. I thought that’s what I had to do because that’s honestly the only representation that I saw. As I talked about on the last episode, once I started telling people about the pregnancy, I started having conversations with some more entrepreneurs and people who are more in my situation.
I started following this one woman on Instagram, and it’s been helpful because she’s in a very similar situation to me. She just had a baby 3 or 4 weeks ago. She retired her husband in 2018. She works from home. She has a business model similar to mine. Within a few days of having a baby, she’s on her story, she’s promoting things, she’s making content. It occurred to me that I am someone who loves to use my brain. I love to be intellectually stimulated.
One of the things I love the most in my business is supporting my students on our group coaching calls. The reason why I thought I originally had to shut down HCA is because I was , I can’t be available for any calls. What I’ve realized is that I want to be available for those calls because I love supporting my students. I only do maximum of one 90-minute call a week. I can show up for one 90-minute call a week. I have help. As I talked about last time, my partner Ryan, he’s a freelancer, he does a lot of work for me in my business, and then he picks up contracts and works with clients here and there. He’s very flexible. He’s at home too.
My business makes so much money these days that honestly he doesn’t even need to work. During the time when we have the baby, he’s going to not take any clients. He’s going to be 100% off and I’m going to be 90% off. It makes it very doable for me to show up for one 90-minute coaching call a week, totally doable. I’m going to be available to support my team, which honestly they don’t need a lot of support. The business runs without me. My online business manager can run the business. I’m going to show up for my group coaching calls and I’m going to be available in my Facebook group, although I probably will be available a little bit less, especially in the beginning times, I’m not going to feel obligated to be in there, but I do want to be popping in there to give feedback and check to see how people are doing.
My goal is to be off about 90%. I’m going to be doing that work inside my program and I’m going to be available for my team, but I’m going to pre-schedule all my content out in advance. During my first trimester when I was only working 10 hours, I was only doing the maintenance task in my business. I was only doing what I absolutely needed to do to keep things running. The majority of what I was doing was creating content. I was creating content for Instagram, podcasts, YouTube, showing up for stories. I realized, “I’m only working ten hours a week. The business is growing. The business is fine.” If I took content off my plate, probably only have a few hours of work to do a week.
The New HCA
This is how I’m going to run that time. First, my plan is to create the new HCA version, which I talked about last episode. I’m going to be launching a new version of HCA for a more established coach in October. Basically going to be streamlining the program and creating a little bit more of a system inside. If you’re a current HCA student or you’re interested in HCA and you’re like, “Maybe I should wait for this new program,” I wouldn’t because it’s going to be more expensive. Sign up for one of these rounds now, get going with your business, and everyone’s going to get access.
I’m going to make sure everyone gets access to the new program because anyone who’s been in one of the evergreen versions of HCA, I’m going to give people access because why not? If you’re someone who is thinking about signing up for HCA and you’re thinking, “Maybe I should wait for this new round in October,” I wouldn’t do that. The new round in October is going to be much higher priced. If you sign up now, you will get access. I will be grandfathering everyone who is in one of the evergreen versions of HCA into that new program.
The other thing to keep in mind is it’s going to be geared for established coaches. If you’re brand new, you’re very early stage, that program is probably not going to be the right fit for you. Get into the program now because the program now is very much geared towards early stage health coaches. We will be reopening the program for a week on March 7th, so stay tuned for that. My goal is to have all my content planned out for four months. I want to have content for July, August, September, and October. Basically, all done in advance. That’s going to be a decent amount of work. I’m going to have to record a ton of YouTube videos. I’m going to have to record podcast episodes. I’m going to have to make Instagram content. I’m also going to want to make this new version of HCA.
My goal for February and March into April to basically get all that done and then start working on content. The other thing that I’m going to want to do because I’m going to be doing a live launch in October, is I want to get some of the tasks for that live launch done in advance. Some of the things planned out, the content planned out. Just so that I’m not forced to do it during that time. My goal is to be off about 90% and I don’t think I’ll maybe be doing a few hours a week, but I want the option to work more if I want to.
Truthfully, you never know what you’re going to get. We can have a baby that cries all the time and never sleeps, and I’m exhausted and that’s all I can do. That’s fine. We could have a baby that sleeps pretty quickly, that doesn’t cry much, and maybe it’s going to be fine. Maybe I’ll have more opportunity to work. I know me personally. If I have the opportunity, I’m going to want to work more because I love what I do so much. That’s my plan. We’ll see how it goes. Like I said before, I’m in a very privileged situation in where I have a lot of help.
The first three months, it’s going to be me and Ryan, 50/50. We’re going to be both of us together, doing it together all day and all night, which is great. Come October where I go back to the business in a more “full-time capacity” because I’ll probably still only be doing fifteen hours a week. Ryan’s going to take over as a full-time primary parent is what we’ve decided. Like I said before, at this point, Ryan doesn’t even need to work with the amount of money my business makes. He just likes to work. He wants his own thing. He loves what he does, so he’s going to take over until we basically put the baby into childcare, which we were planning to do probably at about six months or something around that. At least three days a week, so Ryan can get back to what he does. We’ll play it by year.
We do have the privilege of having two parents at home. We have the privilege of having money. I’m completely open to maybe bringing in a night nurse, a doula, babysitters, or nannies. That’s all on the table. We’ll see how it goes. On top of that, Ryan’s family lives in our town. Both his parents are here and his sister and her partner. They are very excited about the baby and have already offered to babysit once a week and help us out. We’re going to be obviously very open to that help.
That’s how I’m structuring things and I feel good about it. It honestly feels much better to have my fingers a little bit in the business to fully being 100% off. I don’t think I am the person who would want to be 100% off. That’s been a big thing about the decision that me and Ryan came to because he’s obviously the one that wanted to have a kid way more than I ever did. I always said to him, “I’m open to it, but I don’t want to do it the traditional way.” In my opinion, the traditional way is when the mother’s on mat leave for a year and dad goes to work. The woman’s alone at home all day with the baby. I’ve never been open to that. I said, “That’s fine, but you’re going to be the stay-at-home dad.
Who knows? Maybe I will change my mind. Maybe once the baby comes, I will want to take more time off. I will want to be more primary. I’m open to all of those possibilities. I honestly am. I am mostly trying to go with the flow. I’m not committed to any outcome in any way, and I want to see how it goes. That’s essentially how I’m planning my mat leave.
It’s All About Planning
To my student who reached out, who’s possibly in a much different situation to me, especially with having a newer business. My business is very established. I’ve had this business for ten years. It runs mostly without me. It generates income mostly without me, but it’s different when you’re new. What I would say is look at your situation and be realistic. Ask yourself, “Is there any way I can get help? Right? Is there a family member who can help with childcare so that you can work on your business a couple of hours a day?” The other thing that you can do to set yourself up for success is to schedule all your content out in advance. I think two is moving to group coaching as soon as possible.

Group coaching is what allows me to have this freedom. I only have one 90-minute coaching call a week if that. Some weeks I have zero. If I had fifteen one-on-one clients, this would be a lot more difficult. I wouldn’t be making money while I was on mat leave because I probably wouldn’t be able to take on that many clients, versus I can totally do one 90-minute coaching call a week. I can show up in my Facebook group and give students support. I think that’s the best advice I can give you. I think it’s about planning and moving to group coaching as soon as you possibly can because I think it’s very realistic to be able to run a group coaching program, especially if you have access to help.
I think that’s everything I wanted to talk about. That is my real, honest, raw, authentic journey of pregnancy. Like I said, I hope this episode maybe helps someone who went through a similar thing I did. Pregnancy is not all unicorns and roses. It’s very challenging. It comes with a lot of physical symptoms and it also comes with a lot of emotional symptoms. It’s not always a time of joy and celebration. Sometimes it’s a bit dark and that’s okay. Sometimes we feel disconnected. Sometimes we hate it. Sometimes we worry if we’re going to be good at being a parent or if we’re going to be able to connect with the baby. I think that’s all very normal. I wanted to shed some light on that. I will see you next time on the Wealthy Coach show. Same time, same place where I help you become wealthy AF.
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