Kendra Perry generates money, although she works fewer hours in a week. Do you want to know her secret? Tune in to this episode because Kendra will reveal what happens when you work ten hours a week and how to make it possible. She also explains why a group coaching program will be your ticket to freedom. She also touches on how hiring a team helps in your business. Find out more from Kendra Perry to work fewer hours a week and achieve the freedom you deserve. Join Kendra Perry today!
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I Only Worked 10hrs/Week And This Is What Happened
What’s up? How’s it going? Welcome back to the show. I can’t believe it is the second week of January. It’s 2024. I feel like people say this all the time, but time does get weird as you age. I remember my parents saying that when I was younger. I had no idea what they were talking about because I was in high school. I wanted to get out of high school. I felt like it was dragging on. I felt like it was an eternity. Now that I’m almost 40, time seems to pass in a weird way. It passes by fast. I’d like to slow it down a little bit. I feel like people say this all the time, “Time has passed so fast.”
For this episode, I want to tell you about an experiment I did. It wasn’t an intentional experiment, but it ended up giving me a lot of data like I purposely did it. The title of this episode is I Only Worked Ten Hours a Week and This Is What Happened. In October, November, and a lot of December as well, I lost motivation, which is abnormal for me because I am very highly motivated in my business. I get excited about my business. I love working on things in my business. I’m always motivated. I’m always pushing for growth. I’m an achiever. I have an affinity for wanting to grow my business. For some reason, in October and November, that motivation went away. It was a little bit odd but I went with it.
In October and November, if you live in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s fall. Where I live in Canada, the days start getting short as we move towards December 21st. I’ve said this before in the show, but where I live is paradise. It is the most beautiful place on earth. I honestly live in my favorite place on earth. I would choose to live here over anywhere else in the world, but November sucks here. It’s the only month of the year that sucks. That’s because it’s dark and cold. Ski season isn’t happening yet. You can’t go downhill. You can’t go cross country. Biking is done. The trails start getting icy. I sweat so much when I bike. When it’s cold, I don’t want to sweat a lot outside. I get chilled. It’s a sleepy month.
October is usually beautiful. It was beautiful this 2023. We get all the beautiful leaves and the colors. It’s so stunning. As I got into October, I started to lose motivation. In November, I honestly felt like hibernating, chilling, reading books, watching TV, cooking, and sleeping a lot. I love to sleep. Sleep is my superpower. When I get a good sleep, I’m good, so I prioritize my sleep. I’m usually in bed between 9:00 and 10:00. I’m usually up at 6:00 in the morning.
In November, I started going to bed at 8:00. I was out by 8:30 and then I would wake up around 7:00 or 7:30. I wasn’t fully asleep the whole night. I would wake up a few times. I usually wake up around 4:00 or 5:00 AM when I get close to that eight hours of sleep, but then I would go back to sleep. I was sleeping a lot. It was interesting because it’s not something that I’ve ever experienced in my business.
I started my business officially in 2015. We are in 2024. I’m going into my ninth year of business. This is almost a decade in online business. This is the first time that this has happened. It freaked me out at first, to be honest. I was like, “Oh my God.” I felt guilty. I was putting pressure on myself. I was like, “The business is going to fall apart. I’m going to lose revenue. What’s going to happen here?”
That’s not what happened. What happened is my business generated from mid-October to mid-December 2023. This was the time when I was not doing much. I say ten hours a week, but some weeks, I may have been working less. My business generated $140,000. I made sales while I relaxed and I made sales while I slept. My business continued to grow. That was good information for me to have because I’m planning on taking a bit of time off next summer.
HCA is going on a bit of a pause as I do a bit of a pivot. There is something I should tell you. If you want to work with me inside HCA, the next two weeks are your last chance to do that for the foreseeable future as I take a pause. The program is the best that it’s ever been. If you’re someone, a coach, a practitioner, or a professional, and you want to launch an online program that brings you freedom and income, this is what we do inside HCA. We help you create it, market it, and sell it so that you can transform lives and create a freedom-based business like me. Eventually, maybe you can only work ten hours a week and still watch your business grow.

If you’re interested in that, just DM me the word HCA on Instagram. My handle is @KendraPerryInc. Let me know if you’re interested. We are hosting the 6-Figure Wellness Offer Challenge where I’m going to teach you how to start creating your program and what to do for marketing and sales. We’re doing that in a three-day challenge.
This is such a fun event. I give you so much good information that you can take away. Plus, you’re going to get free coaching and feedback from me. You also have the opportunity to win a bunch of prizes. We did it in September and it was so much fun. If you haven’t joined, go to Go to that link and make sure you join. If you want to get a little taste of what it’s like to have an online program and what goes into having an online program, and then get details on how to join HCA, that’s a great way to do it.
There is something I want to say. You’re thinking, “You worked ten hours a week, sometimes less, and your business made $140,000 in under two months. I can’t imagine my business ever doing that.” Something I want to say is you need to earn your right to work less. It’s very normal when you’re in the earlier stages of your business. Especially when you’re in the first three years, you’re in the hustle stage.
I know there’s a lot of information online that’s like, “It should be easy. It should feel aligned. It should flow.” Personally, my perspective is that’s BS because building a business is hard. It’s like birthing a baby. It takes time. You don’t just give birth to a baby in a month. You have to get pregnant. You have to go through, for some people, the labor of trying to get pregnant. That can take time.
You go through the pregnancy and it’s this ten-month thing. You finally birth the thing and then it’s useless. The baby can’t do anything. You have to do so much and you’re working your ass off. You start to get a break in those later years. I don’t know why I’m using that analogy because I have no perspective on that. I do not have a baby. That’s what I think of it like. It’s something that does not happen quickly. It’s not like we are horses where we birth a baby and the horse gets up and starts walking. I watched that on this nature channel on YouTube and it was wild. I’m like, “Wow.” I watched a rhinoceros give birth. It gets up and walks. That’s so wild.
It takes time to get a business off the ground. If you have a coach and a mentor and you come into HCA, I guarantee it’s going to be a whole lot easier for you. You are going to save so many years. It will take you so much longer if you try to do it alone and do it on your own without a roadmap. Online marketing is a hard thing to figure out on your own. I didn’t figure it out on my own. I had a lot of help. I had coaches. Truthfully, when I hired my first coach, that is when I started to see things shift in my business and when I started to generate clients and income.
If you come into HCA even with the best coach, those first three years are going to be hard. I’m never going to sugarcoat that. You will get rejected. Also, you’re learning everything. You’re not going to be a master of content right out of the gate. That’s normal. The first few times or many times that you create content, it’s not going to connect with people.
If you look at my content in the first year of my business, you would be like, “What? Who is that? Right?” It’s terrible, but that’s where I started. This time, I’m good at creating content. I’m quite good at it, but this is a skill that I am committed to developing. I’m going into nine years in my business. I worked a lot in the first 3 to 5 years of my business, especially in those first 3 years.
I also was doing a side job. I was working for Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. I was working for them for about 20 to 25 hours a week. I was running my business part-time. I was working 40 to 50 hours a week. That’s how much I was working because I had to have this part-time job to pay my bills. I was working on getting my clientele. A lot of things I was doing weren’t working because I was learning. I wasn’t good at it yet, and that’s very normal.
It can feel very overwhelming. You’re like, “You work ten hours a week and make $140,000.” Know that this has been a long process. I’ve worked towards this and I’ve not given up. There were many times when I could have given up when I was frustrated. There were times when I thought that it was never going to work and I maybe should give up, but I didn’t. It was 100% worth it.
Past five years in my business, because that was the years of hustle, I was able to start working less. How was I able to do that? First off, I moved away from one-on-one coaching. For the first five years of my business, I primarily did one-on-one. I did have a group coaching program called High on Energy, but even when I was running that, I was still doing one-on-one.
Group Coaching Program
My group coaching program relied heavily on a membership aspect, and memberships are a lot of work. I talked a little bit about the downside of memberships in episode 208 if you want to check that out. I talked a little bit about why the membership model is hard. It puts you in a constant state of content creation.
Moving away from one-on-one was big for me. I always knew that I wanted to move away from one-on-one. I value the one-on-one work that I did in those early days of my business because I learned how to coach and how to work with clients. I learned a lot. It was incredibly valuable, but I always knew that it wasn’t what I wanted to do forever.
Five years in, I had my membership and my group coaching program, and then eventually, I had HCA when I moved over to business coaching. I started running group coaching programs only. I love group coaching programs. This is something we will help you do in HCA. If you want a group coaching program, get into HCA because this is your last chance. You can DM me on Instagram HCA. We can have a chat. I can take a look at your business and help you determine if you are a fit or we can get you enrolled in the challenge if you want to work with me inside the challenge for free to get a taste.
I believe group coaching programs are the ticket to your freedom. To give context on how I run my business, I have two group coaching programs. I have HCA and then I have HTMA Expert, which teaches practitioners how to run hair tissue mineral analysis. For HCA, I show up three times a month, and I show up once a month for HTMA Expert. I do one group coaching call a week that usually lasts anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes. That’s it.
When I was working with one-on-one clients, I was working a lot because I was in session with clients. I would have back-to-back appointments. Sometimes, I would have 10 to 15 client appointments a week. That was 10 to 15 hours of client appointments a week whereas this time, I have one 90-minute call a week. That’s it. I love those group coaching calls. I love them because I’m not spreading my time too thin. I’m not with a million clients so it doesn’t burn me out. They light me up. I am excited to do them. Switching over to running group coaching programs only was a huge shift for me because it cut down 15 to 20 hours a week of one-on-one calls.
The next thing I did is I stopped doing sales calls in 2019. I find I’m not a huge fan of sales calls. They are very necessary early on in your business because to sell without a sales call for something higher ticket, you have to be good at your marketing, copywriting, and messaging. This is something that takes time to sell. It’s always going to be easier to sell on a sales call. Those are very valuable in the early stages of your business.
I knew at that point, I was over them. I wanted to do group coaching. I didn’t want to have to get on a sales call to enroll someone into a group coaching program. I stopped doing sales calls and started selling with webinars. I am a huge fan of webinars. I still sell with webinars. I sell with live webinars. I sell with automated webinars. I love webinars.
The next thing I did was I started to automate my sales process. With HTMA Expert, my sales process as of last April is 100% automated. It is an evergreen video that sells my program. I don’t live launch. I don’t get on sales calls. We sell through an automated process which gives you so much time. With HCA, some of it is automated. I do have an automated sales funnel. I live-launched that program, which I enjoy. The challenge I’m doing this week, I love it. I have so much fun with that. I love to interact with my people in real time, have fun, help people have breakthroughs, and see people get results. I really enjoy that. For HCA, I probably will never not do some form of live event to do it or sell it. I don’t do those live events that often.
Hiring A Team
The next thing that helped me work less was hiring a team. It took me time to hire my first contractor. I believe I hired my first contractor probably in 2017 or 2018. It was a virtual assistant who was doing a few tasks in my business, answering emails. It took me a long time to hire because I was scared and didn’t want to spend the money, but it got to the point where I had to. I was working too much. I couldn’t do everything anymore so I knew that I needed to. I wish I hired a little bit sooner.
Sometimes, there are people sending me DMs where they’re brand new. They don’t even have a business. They’re like, “I need someone to help me build a team.” I’m like, “You are not in the position to build a team.” If you are brand new and don’t even have a business and you’re not generating any sort of income, please don’t hire a team.
That being said, there’s something to be said about hiring contractors to do small tasks for you. The thing is outsourcing and sites like, you can get contractors and freelancers from anywhere in the world for whatever budget you have. Sometimes, it’s worth it to get people to do small jobs for you because it gives you back some of your time to spend doing things that matter in your business. You don’t need to hire a team when you’re brand new, but there is a point at which you do need to hire a team.
I want to be clear about what my team looks like. I know when you think of a team, you think of this big group of people who are probably working full-time in my business. I don’t have anyone who works full-time in my business. I don’t have employees. I only have contractors. My online business manager probably works the most for me, and she’s probably doing about eight hours a week. She’s probably working the most amount of hours. Everyone is a contractor working part-time.
Sometimes, if you can find someone who’s a bit of a jack of all trades who can do many things, maybe it’s someone who would work more part-time or even more full-time. Personally, I like to find individual people who are very much an expert at what they do versus someone who’s okay at doing a bunch of different things.
When you have a bunch of different contractors, that can be a lot of work for you. It was because you’re the person’s go-to for questions. There was a time in my business where I was managing all the people and I was like, “I don’t want to do this anymore.” What I did was I hired Elise, who’s my online business manager. It was mostly to organize the business but manage the people.
When anyone has a question or gets stuck on something, they ask Elise and not me. I meet with Elise once a week. This has freed up a lot of time in my business. At this point, she’s been with my business for maybe 3 years 4 years. I’m not even sure. I feel like I’ve never not had her because she’s been such a crucial part of the business. That’s been great.
Once I did all those things, moving away from one-on-one, running group coaching programs only, ending sales calls and selling via webinars, automating my sales process, hiring the team, and then hiring the online business manager, I was able to start working 25 hours a week. In the past few years, since probably 2021, so it has been 3 years, I’ve been generally working about 25 hours a week. I like that. Twenty-five hours a week is great. A 40-hour business week is tough. It’s hard to find joy and happiness, focus on hobbies, and have time with family. You should be working towards getting to that 25-hour work week.
What’s interesting is over the past couple of months, October, November, and December, when I started working ten hours a week, what was I doing with that time? I was doing maintenance tasks only. Normally, in my business, I have this drive for growth. I am always doing things to try to move the business forward and optimize and improve things.
I then started doing the base-level things that I needed to do to keep this business running. All I did was create content. I continued to record the podcast, upload it to the YouTube channel, and post it on Instagram. I supported my students inside my programs, and then I made the odd decision or I put out the odd fire. Sometimes, my team needs me to make certain decisions. Sometimes, I need to be the one to put out the odd fire. I was worried, but only good things happened. The business continued to grow.
What I realized is that with all the work I did, moving away from one-on-one, group coaching only, not doing sales calls, selling with webinars, automating my sales process, hiring a team, and having an online business manager, I set myself up for success. It made me realize that things are going to be okay. HCA is going on an indefinite pause. This is a big component of my income. I felt very scared that for a chunk of time, I’m not sure how long, HCA is not going to be for sale. Will I have other things for sale? Probably. I may do a mini version of HCA. I may launch a workshop. There are ways that I can get cash injections.
I’ve been doing HCA since 2020. It has been four years. I had a lot of fear around, “What’s it going to look like when I’m not selling this program anymore? Is this going to have a detrimental impact on my business? Am I going to be able to keep up income?” I am not worried about growth while HCA is on pause, but I do want to keep things sustainable and keep things steady.
I realize I shouldn’t be worried at all because I haven’t been doing much and the business is still growing and nothing bad has happened. The business is doing better than it ever has. It made me realize that there is very little, “I need to do my business to keep it running.” That makes me very excited to take some time off next summer and focus on those maintenance tasks only so I can do a little bit of exploring, some camping, and spend a little bit of time with my partner. I’m not worried.
I didn’t mean for that to be an experiment, but ultimately, it was a bit of an experiment. The reason why I wanted to record this episode is not to brag and be like, “Look at me. I work ten hours a week and make all this money.” I’m trying to inspire you. I want to show you what is possible. I want to show you that you can get to a place in your business where you don’t have to work that much and yet, your business still generates income and your business still transforms lives. That is possible for anyone who sticks with it.

Know that when you’re in the earlier stages of your business, those first 3 to 5 years are the hustle stages of your business. These are the birthing stages of your business where you are building something from nothing. You are building trust and credibility. You are learning your systems. You are learning how to speak with people online, how to market, how to message, and how to sell. These are things that take a lot of time to learn. A lot of times, learning them can feel very uncomfortable.
I hope this inspires you because this is what I want to see for you and for everyone who tunes in to this show. You can get to a place where you can determine how much you want to work and still make amazing money for your family. I hope you enjoyed this episode of the show. If you like this episode, I would appreciate it if you could give me a five-star review. Go to I would so appreciate hearing from you. I will see you soon at the same time and same place where I help you become wealthy AF.
Important Links
- @KendraPerryInc – Instagram
- YouTube Channel– Kendra Perry