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Is There a Place for a Low-Ticket Offer in Your Business?

Is There a Place for a Low-Ticket Offer in Your Business?

In this episode of The Wealthy Coach Podcast, Kendra Perry breaks down the differences between high-ticket and low-ticket offers, explaining how pricing impacts business strategy.

She highlights why high-ticket offers ($1,000+) work well for smaller audiences, while low-ticket offers (under $1,000) require volume to be profitable.

The episode explores using low-ticket products as downsells, tripwires, and seasonal promotions.

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In this episode:

  • High Ticket vs Low Ticket Offers
  • When Low Ticket Offers DO Make Sense
  • Strategic Uses for Low Ticket Offers
  • How to use a Low-Ticket Offer WITHOUT Distracting from your Main High-Ticket Offer


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- Kendra
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