Stop working yourself into the ground selling single sessions (or packages) and start creating freedom + impact + fulfilment!
I’m here to help you scale your impact by selling a HIGHLY SOUGHT-AFTER and DEEPLY TRANSFORMATIONAL online group program
I’m here to help you scale your impact by selling a HIGHLY SOUGHT-AFTER and DEEPLY TRANSFORMATIONAL online group program
You can have a money-making online group programWITHOUT sacrificing your client results. In fact, when done the right way, your group program can get even bigger results than your private coaching.
You CAN have the business you want; the one that feels exciting and helps hundreds (or even thousands) of people!
Want to learn more? Start with our free video training!
The Social Media Success System gives you access to my Contract Attraction Framework so you can attract clients from social media without needed to follow the *cringe* trends everyone is doing.
The good news is that you can make a TON of money from Instagram without having a massive following and without even having high engagement. I built my business to multiple 6-figures with a tiny following (less than 10K) and average engagement. This course shows you exactly how I did this.
Plus, you’ll get instant access to my DM sales scripts, brand building principles, and how to leverage ChatGPT for fast and simple content creation.
The clients that I do enroll, come from Health Coach Accelerator Evolution. So please start with HCA Evolution. If you have accomplish this and you are looking to scale your business and group coaching program, send me a message below or reach out to me on Instagram @kendraperryinc. Please note that private coaching requires a 5-figure investment for a 6-month commitment.
FINALLY start getting traction and making sales from social media
I’ll show you 10 post types that strategically move your audience along the journey of finding you to getting to know you to trusting you to enrolling in your program