You’re a health or wellness coach who loves helping others...

But you're feeling exhausted, burnt out & uninspired working with clients one-to-one

You want more freedom in your schedule, more money in your bank account but you don’t want to scale at the expense of your client results…

Fact is…launching a one-to-many program is scary af.

maybe you've already tried launching one, only to be met with a lack of sales. all your hard working building it went to waste.

Or maybe you don’t even know where to start…you have no email list, no program built and you have no idea what to do to get things up and running.

Part of you wonders, “Am I just doomed to do one-to-one coaching forever?!”

YOU want the 1:1 grind to end...but you desperately need guidance on how to get started and how to scale beyond private coaching ! hellllpppp meeeee!

There is A LOT that goes into building a freedom-based coaching business and doing it alone can waste years of your life and STILL not get you the results that you’re looking for. To get things rolling you’ll need qualified leads on an email list (I’m talking hundreds+, not dozens), a sales pipeline to sell your program and not to mention a program that actually gets your clients results (and doesn’t just overwhelm the shit out of them).

You could try and figure this all out on your own, like i did (fyi, this took me years of trial and error and a ton of fails) or you could work with a mentor that has already built the business you want to build...

...a badass business mentor who can show you the ropes and provide you all the tools you need to succeed.

Hey. I'm Kendra Perry!

passionate health coach...
i see you.

I know all about what you’re going through. When I decided to launch my first group program I was fucking clueless too!

In case we’ve never met before, let me tell you a little bit about me…

I started out as a Functional Health Coach in 2014 and after investing in a million courses, a ton of trial and error and more failures than I care to admit, I finally was able to escape the 50-hour work week hustle and reduce to 20-hour work weeks all while generating 50-100K per month. 

To date, I have helped hundreds of health coaches (800+ to be exact) launch scaleable online programs that give them more freedom than they ever thought possible (and fat-ass bank accounts too!_.

My life’s work is to help you ‘fuck the man’ and create the life of your dreams with an online program you love. 

Business Coach For Wellness Coaches | define your ideal client

'i made 12k for my first launch after working withh kendra'

ciria velarde, Functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner

When I started working with Kendra, I was doing OK on social media but I didn’t have an email list. Kendra’s program helped me build my email list and launch my group program within a matter of a couple of months. I didn’t have high expectations for my first launch but I ended up making $12,000 which is more money than I had ever made at one time in my business! Kendra’s program was amazing and I recommend it to anyone looking to release a group coaching program.

I started transitioning to helping health coaches build online programs in 2018 because I had witnessed so many of my colleagues working their asses off without making the money they deserved.

I’m here so you don’t need to make the same mistakes I did (and fail at your group program launch multiple times)

Health coaching is IMPORTANT and in my opinion, the only way to radically transform the healthcare system and shift the collective consciousness of the planet.

The world needs you!

And if you are exhausted working with your clients and have no free time to yourself – you are going to end up resenting your business and that serves absolutely no one!.

The business, marketing and tech comes naturally to me so I’m here to guide you through the creation & launch jungle so you can start helping more people and making more money!

I believe health coaches CAN have their dream business without burning out, losing their health or working themselves into the ground or sacrificing the results of their clients.

As of today, I’ve helped over 800+ health & wellness coaches create online programs they’re proud of, without having to spend all day on social media or do a million and one sales calls.

I’m different from other online business mentors because I have already built what you fiercely want to create.


But listen, I’m anything but “normal,”...

I fully support weirdness. After all, I’m a Canadian hippie who lives on top of a mountain and likes to hug trees…..

My approach is unique in that I’m blunt AF, authentic AF and I don’t take myself too seriously. I will always be real and honest with you.

My number one priority is education and my mission is your success. So if you show up to do the work, I’ll always be here to guide you support you and make you laugh a little along the way.

So if you are ready to create a business on your own terms in a way that creates financial freedom without working yourself into the ground, let’s talk.